They utilize eCoupons, coupon codes, and much more. The initial way to save is to shop at an online store through a link and a percentage of your sales will come back to you as a savings which you can use to pay off student loans or get a check. You can also sign up your loyalty cards and load them with eCoupons or when you purchase a sponsoring product you can get savings.
These eCoupons however do not come off at the register instead they must be processed through the website and that may take a few weeks. Don't fret though cause Upromise is like having a savings account. Sign up and you can explore the site and the many different options to save. They even feature local restaurants that will give back a percentage to your savings as well.
If you have young children you can sponsor their college savings by giving them the savings instead just by entering their names as the benefactors of your savings. In a crazy world where college tuition goes up each year this is an equalizer to help your kids in the right path!
Upromise is the smart way to save for college - Become a Member Now!
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